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Ceramic Coating

Ceramic has been around for several years. This next generation automotive protection is above and beyond any other form of protection. When applying this semi-permanent protection to a vehicle, MANY variables come into play. It's not a simple "wipe on-wipe off" installation. If not installed by a trained individual, many things can go wrong that cause issues. While conventional sealants and waxes are glossy and wonderful, absolutely nothing protects like a ceramic coating. The resilience and durability of a ceramic coating is truly next level. Instead of just a "film" on your paint like a conventional sealant or wax, a coating is a hardened surface material that bonds with your clear coat, almost acting like a "sacrificial" clear coat for your paint finish. This prevents MANY things like bird bombs and water etching from ever reaching your clear coat. Protection is measured in YEARS, not just months. Every coating system we offer provides intense gloss enhancement, insane hydrophobic properties, and self-cleaning properties that are simply mind-blowing. A few of the benefits from one of my ceramic coatings include:
  • Extreme levels of gloss
  • Light swirl and scratch resistance
  • Ridiculous hydrophobic and self-cleaning properties
  • Long term durability, up to 5 years
  • Ultimate resilience against water spots and bird bombs
  • Vehicle stays cleaner longer - MUCH easier to wash/dry
  • High surface tension means less debris adhesion
  • ​Deep, glossy finish after every wash, no need for wax the entire life of the coating
As with all professionally installed ceramic coatings, PREPARATION is crucial. So before application of any of these coatings, paint decontamination & correction is absolutely necessary for maximum bonding & life expectancy. Please visit our "Services"page here on the site, or contact us directly for best advice on which service will best suit your goals/needs.



  • Shine Supply Beadlock Pro: $450
  • Gtechniq C1/Exo: $700



  • Shine Supply Beadlock Pro: $600
  • Gtechniq C1/Exo: $850


Deciphering the ceramic coating that's best for you simply boils down to how much long-term protection you seek, how long you plan on keeping the vehicle, as well as your budget. If this technology appeals to you but you have a smaller budget, feel free to inquire about a couple other "entry level" coatings we offer, that are not listed above. We are very easy to chat with, and happy to provide consultation as to which coating system makes the most sense for you. 

Wheel off ceramic coating:
RECOMMENDED FOR: ANY SET wheels, tires, brake calipers, & general undercarriage that's in much need of attention & strong ceramic protection is desired. This package will completely revive some commonly overlooked areas in your day-to-day detailing regimen.
We STRONGLY recommend this for any vehicle that emits brake dust as well as if you are purchasing a new set of wheels for your vehicle. Protect them from new!
WHAT'S PERFORMED? The car will get placed on our lift, and the wheels will be removed from the vehicle with a torque wrench for an ENTIRE and incredibly thorough cleaning, which includes the backside and barrels of the wheels. Along with scrubbing and nourishing BOTH front and back of tires as well. At this point, after thoroughly drying, the wheels will be treated with a ceramic wheel coating for 1.5/2yrs. of protection. All other undercarriage components & suspension are also thoroughly scrubbed, detailed & nourished if this package is added with any other exterior detail.
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